Your home’s water heater has a temperature setting that controls how hot the water is.
Your water heater is one of the most essential home appliances out there. It provides your family or business with hot water whenever you need it. But do you ever wonder how to properly use it to its best ability? Your heater has a temperature setting that controls how hot the water is. Your home’s heater is usually set to a maximum temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Some people say that’s the ideal temperature, while some argue its better to reduce the maximum heat to around 120 degrees. If you’re wondering which temperature to set your water heater to, you’ve come to the right place.
120 degrees?
One hundred twenty degrees is hot but slightly less hot than 140 degrees. What are some of the advantages? They include:
- Environmentally Friendly. It takes gas or electrical energy to heat your water and maintain the water in your storage tank. So, by decreasing your temperature, you reduce the amount of energy required to heat.
- Saves money. Saving energy isn’t just better for the environment, but for your wallet, possibly saving you thousands a year.
- Prevents harmful scalding. This is a big one, but water from a faucet at 140 degrees can cause severe burns within a few seconds. In comparison, it takes a few minutes or so to burn from 120-degree water.
140 degrees?
Given the potential risk for scalding, why would one pick a 140-degree water heater? Well, 140 degrees is better with killing specific types of bacteria. While most agree that 120-degree water can kill most bacteria, a water heater set to 140 degrees can kill a rare and particular strain that forms on older water heater systems with rusty pipes or water storage systems. The hotter the water, the more likely these dangerous bacteria are killed off.
Which One is For Your Water Heater?
Most households can turn down their water heater to 120 degrees without much risk. If you share a home with children or older relatives, the danger of scalding is much more susceptible then any chance of rare bacteria. However, if you’ve been notified that your water supply to prone to any unique strains of bacteria, or if you’ve got an older heater system with stagnating water, it would be smart to set the base temperature to 140 degrees. There are pros and cons to your home’s heater, but be sure to do your research before committing to one setting.
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