There could be a few factors that are impacting your water heater’s performance.
When you lead a hectic lifestyle, you want hot water instantly. If your hot water heater has a slower recovery time, simple tasks like taking a shower or washing dishes can take a lot longer because you have to wait for the hot water to heat. While you’re waiting, you’re wasting precious hot water! Additionally, lukewarm dishwater or water in your dishwasher can spread harmful pathogens. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to water heater recovery times and how you can upgrade or improve your sluggish water heater.
What’s Water Heater Recovery Time?
Water heater recovery refers to how long it takes your water heater to heat the full tank supply after the hot water has all been used. Different kinds and sizes of heaters have other times of recovery. Gas heaters can reheat water twice as fast as any electric ones, so you might consider upgrading if your electric heater isn’t getting the job done. If you own a 40-gallon heater and more than one bathroom, you may want to consider a bigger water heater.
How to Improve Your Water Heater Speed
Get a point-of-use water heater for your home’s sink. This is typically a four-gallon appliance that you install in the cupboard underneath your kitchen sink. It keeps four gallons hot at all times, so you do not have to pull from your main heater for something as quick and straightforward as doing the dishes. Consider upgrading your pump to a hot water recirculating pipe. If you have older plumbing or any long distances between your hot water faucets and the water heater, you may need one of those affordable pumps. These can be installed on an existing pipe, and they work by looping water in hot water pipes back inside the heater, so you waste less water while waiting for the water heat.
Tankless Water Heater: Should You Consider One?
If you have some money to spend, a tankless water heater could save you a lot more money in the long run. These water heaters heat water as quickly as needed, and they can be up to 35 percent more energy efficient compared to your traditional heater. They also usually have more longevity than your traditional water heaters, and they’re discreet and small, making them very ideal for smaller homes.
For more information on different heaters and how to improve your current one, give the plumbers from B&D Plumbing a call today!
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