Keep your shower drains clear of any clogs by following these tips!
Clogged shower drains can cause setbacks in your routine and leave your bathroom fixtures working inefficiently. If you’ve found yourself standing in dirty, soapy standing water after a shower, you know firsthand how shower drain clogs can ruin your day. These issues build up over time until eventually, every homeowner has to deal with unclogging their shower drains. Luckily, there are a few key methods of unclogging shower drains that can help you improve drainage in your shower, keep your tub sanitary, and prevent future issues. As long as you unclog your shower drain as soon as possible, you can avoid long-term issues like leaky pipes, mold buildup, and more. Here are some basic steps for unclogging your shower drains.
Pour Boiling Water in the Drain
Boiling water, a popular home remedy for clogged drains, is a good place to start if your shower is draining slowly or leaves you with half a foot of standing, soapy water after use. Boil a kettle or pot of water on the stove before slowly pouring it down your drain. Often, boiling water is enough to break up the clog and move debris through your pipe smoothly. For safety, use a funnel. This can help you avoid harming anything else in the tub while allowing you to ensure the hot water goes directly down the drain.
Use Home Drain Cleaner
If boiling water doesn’t work, home drain cleaner can be an effective way of dealing with more severe clogs. Chemical drain cleaners you can buy at the supermarket or home supply store can do more harm than good, so it’s always best to try a home drain cleaner formula first. Start by pouring a cup of baking soda down your drain. Let it settle for a few minutes before pouring a cup of vinegar down the drain. These substances should interact to effectively break up clogs and allow your drain to work again. Follow up with a pot of boiling water to make sure the drain is fully cleaned out.
Try a Plunger
If these methods still aren’t working, you can always try a plunger to unclog your shower drain. Be sure to add enough water to the shower so that the cup plunger is submerged. This will allow it to create the suction necessary to dislodge the clog in your shower drain. Unfortunately, plunging may not work for all clogs. If none of these methods for unclogging drains is working in your shower, it may be time to call in the professionals.
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Dealing with any plumbing concerns that require a professional to step in? Struggling with an absolute plumbing emergency that can’t wait? Let B&D Plumbing know. B&D Plumbing Inc. services the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia. Get in touch with us by calling (301) 595-1141 or follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. As a small, family-owned business, we understand how important your home is—and we offer exceptional service that matches!