There are a lot of signs that indicate it is time to replace your sump pump.
If the rain pours and your basement does not become an indoor swimming pool, you have your trusty sump pump to thank. Sump pumps protect your home from any unwanted flooding and expensive water damage. The average lifespan of your pump is around ten to 12 years. Signs that it is likely time to replace your sump pump include strange sounds, increased vibration, consistent running, reduced usage, and irregular cycles. Read on to learn a bit more about the signs that indicate it’s time to replace your sump pump.
Strange Sounds
Unfamiliar sounds are a good indication that your sump pump needs a bit of attention. Any rattling and grinding sounds might mean damaged or jammed parts, which signifies the need for a replacement on your end. Luckily the plumbers from B&D Plumbing can lend a hand!
Frequent Vibrations
Sump pumps with harder debris build-up can cause louder vibrations if their impellers are bent down or damaged. Impellers are supposed to balance to reduce any type of wear and tear on the shaft that they spin on. An impeller that is bent or harmed will cause the entire pump to vibrate.
The Pump is Running Too Long
If your pump runs a bit too long, it likely means that your pump doesn’t have enough horsepower. Calculating which size pump you need isn’t an easy task, as a lot of the math involves knowing the correct measurement of pipe diameters, pathways, and plumbing elbows, along with any reservoir dimensions.
Irregular Cycles
A sump pump that will cycle on and off excessively, even when it starts to rain heavily, might have to be replaced. It could very well be a true wiring malfunction or a short in its electrical system. Call our plumbers to come take a look if you think this is the case.
Reduced Sump Pump Usage
Limited use of your sump pump might reduce its efficiency, which will result in a replacement. If you aren’t already, you should be testing out your sump pump in between heavy rain. Testing it should give you an early indication of any issues and support the mechanism inside your appliance too.
Not every home can come with a new sump pump, so it is possible that yours might be on its last leg. You never want a basement floor that you can go swimming in, so remember to keep all of these tips in mind when examining your sump pump!
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Dealing with any plumbing concerns that require a professional to step in? Struggling with an absolute plumbing emergency that can’t wait? Let B&D Plumbing know. B&D Plumbing Inc. services the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia. Get in touch with us by calling (301) 595-1141 or follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. As a small, family-owned business, we understand how important your home is—and we offer exceptional service that matches!