Take the time to double check and ensure that your sump pump is up-and-running in case any problems go down.
A sump pump is an essential part of many homes. It’s a self-activated electrical pump which is triggered automatically by water, ideal for spaces like crawl spaces or unfinished basements where water can build up and floods can occur. The water is then funneled out of the home through a series of pipes that leads to the exterior of the home. Your sump pump, provided it’s functioning, quietly protects your home from accumulating water and prevents everything from mold, mildew, and more. That said, you want to make sure your sump pump is ready to rock, so look at these steps for testing your unit.
1. Inspection
Take the time to do a visual inspection of your sump pump first. You want to make sure it’s plugged into a working ground fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, outlet. You also want to take a look at the electrical cord and ensure that there isn’t any visible damage that could impact performance.
2. Clearing it Out
Look for your sump pump’s discharge pipe and vent and make sure there’s no debris or dirt obstructing your sump pump. Over time, gravel can begin to clog up the pipe and prevent the unit from functioning at full capacity.
3. Intake Screens and Sump Pits
You’re going to want to do the same check for debris when it comes to your intake screen and sump pit. Both should be clear of any obstructions, which allows water to smoothly flow through without any chances of overflowing and damaging the unit or just not working correctly.
4. Free Movement
Your sump pump requires the use of a float to determine if water levels are too high. This is why you need to check if the float can move up and down freely. If it isn’t able to properly move, it won’t trigger your pump to turn on when it needs to.
5. Run a Test
To test your sump pump, pour a couple of gallons of water into the sump pump pit. After this, make sure the pump is unobstructed. Once the water gets to a certain height, this should trigger the pump to turn on and the water should begin to be expelled out of your home.
6. Check the Battery
Most sump pumps have a backup battery. Just make sure it’s properly installed and, if older than three years, you may want to replace it outright.
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Dealing with any plumbing concerns that require a professional to step in? Struggling with an absolute plumbing emergency that can’t wait? Let B&D Plumbing know. B&D Plumbing Inc. services the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia. Get in touch with us by calling (301) 595-1141 or follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. As a small, family-owned business, we understand how important your home is—and we offer exceptional service that matches!